Founded in June 2011, the Seattle Ladies Choir has brought together over 150 altos and sopranos to sing unique arrangements of contemporary music in 2-, 3-, and 4-part harmony. Since our first season with only 22 members, to our most recent with over 60, we are united by a shared love of music, community, and fun. As a non-audition group, our members come from varying backgrounds, ages, and levels of experience. Our repertoire includes songs by Beyonce, Queen, Florence + the Machine, Coldplay, the Eagles, Sara Bareilles, Muse, and many more.
The Seattle Ladies Choir is made up of 50+ members with varying musical experience, from shower singers to professional musicians. It is a non-audition choir that strives to provide a supportive community for members and to connect through music. The choir votes each season on a repertoire of contemporary, secular music in a wide range including rock, folk, and pop, and aims to perform at a professional level twice per year. The choir is open to all self-identified women, and adheres to practices that are inclusive, safe, and supportive, while embracing an eclectic core.
The Seattle Ladies Choir welcomes a variety of talents, backgrounds, experiences, and personal characteristics, including but not limited to race; sexual orientation; ethnicity; religion; ability; socio-economic background; and geographic origin. We require members to be 21+ years of age. We support causes such as LGBTQIA rights, musical education for girls and women, and empowering diverse communities through music.