Musical Leadership

  • Carson Maguire


    Carson Maguire is a pianist, singer, and director from Eugene, Oregon. After graduating from Oberlin College, where she studied music and theatre, and directed a high school choir, Carson moved to Seattle and joined the Seattle Ladies Choir.

  • Steph Sola


    Steph Sola has been a member of SLC since Season 3 (2011). She also founded, directs, and performs in the showtune cabaret/improv group “Let’s All Drink and Do Broadway.” A native of Chicago, Steph moved to Seattle to earn her Master’s in nursing. When she is not performing, she practices as an Adult and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner.

Board of Directors

Soprano 1

Ashley MacKinen
Charlotte Emigh
Colleen Boyer
Kathryn Gruber
Kim Major
Kristin Piepho*
Laura Simandl
Leah Lucid
Melissa Teuton
Molly Hubbard
Monica Cleary
Sam Ploetz
Sarah Waskom
Steph Sola
Stephanie Tice
Willow Blakely-Underwood

* denotes Section Leader

Season 22 Members

Soprano 2

Aïda Benani
Allie Sterling
Ashley Look
Carly Trautwein
Claire Looney
Delia Ward
Erin O’Connor
Fleur Coe
Holly Gordon
Julia Dunn
Kathy Plakovic
Katlynn Pendergast
Maggie Steele
Molly Moen
Rebekah Nicodemus*
Samantha Maloof

Alto 1

Allee Monheim
Amanda Stewart
Angie Eskenazi
Beulah Amarendran
Caroline Zhang
Erica Yamada
Jen McFadden
Kaila Najar
Margie Huth
Megan Hughes
Pooja Bhattacharyya
Rachel Wang-Martinez
Ren Lis
Safiya Jetha
Teresa Eyler*

Alto 2

Alexis Crist
Alysia Ralya
Amanda Palmer-Schafer
Amy Kovner
Andrea Hofer
Beth Pal-laya*
Erin Coffman
Heather Cartner
Heidi Lopez
Maggie Karshner
Melanie Norris
Mira Kochel
Mo Knaff
Nancy Sikora
Sanday Britewood